
Living in New York City, Kathleen Migliore Newton is attracted to the faces and movement of it's occupants as she walks the streets of this vibrant urban environment. Her canvases are peopled with characters whose lives she tries to imagine. She uses photographs that she takes of people on the street, in the subways and in museums, as source material.

When she worked as an ESL teacher for adult immigrants, her students' life stories inspired her to paint a series of paintings based on their lives and to connect to her own ancestors' experiences.

She loves the City for its diversity and possibilities for encounters. Sometimes she catches an interaction, other times she tries to catch people in a moment of privacy. In some works, she captures the movements of figures on the geometry of the landscape, while in others she depicts the kind of enclaves and oases you can find just around the corner.

She is exhilarated by the very process of painting. She primarily uses oil paint, but have used gouache and watercolor as well. Recently she has explored lithography. Although I use recognizable imagery, I don't copy exactly what I see. For example, I don't always use local color, I combine different source material, and often I make aesthetic decisions in the process of composing the surface. 

She received a BFA in painting and printmaking from Pratt Institute. In the beginning of my professional life as an artist she worked in multi-media, making work related to clothing, using fabric, clay, plaster, ceramic tile, paper collage, etc. She was involved in the feminist art movement in Los Angeles and sat on the board of Womanspace. Drawing and painting the figure has always been exciting to her, and inspired by the revival of figurative work in the 70's and 80's, she began to explore the figure as subject. She continues to find new inspiration and joy in the possibilities and challenges of the work.


A short video of my husband, Douglas Newton and myself about our experiences as artists, done by Mathilde Hammel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8QK8k8rNFc

Other artists I know and admire:       

Douglas Newton  www.douglasnewtonpaintings.com

 Fran Beallor http://www.franbeallor.com

Kristin Capp http://www.kristincapp.com

Tony Gonzalez http://tonygonzalezartist.com

Anna Hoberman https://www.annahoberman.com

Serena Kojimoto http://shopworkshop.com

Melanie Kozol http://www.melaniekozol.com

Judith S. Miller http://www.judithsmiller.

Michael Miller http://www.michaelmillerpaintings.com

Rachel Newton www.red-designstudio.com/

Ann Page http://web.me.com/ann.page/ANN/Ann_Page.html

Denise Shaw http://www.deniseshawpaintings.com

Mary Joan Waidhttp://www.maryjoanwaid.com/artwork.html

Jim Zver http://home.earthlink.net/~zverart/index.html